
'Being Your Love'

my purpose is served

what glorious avenues have opened up

the channels to joy

widen and wind

meandering through my heart

like some lovely rolling

country lane

you feel like home to me

its more than just passion

its the grip of that something more

the inexplicable that binds

the inner core

to everything right

with you in my life

the world is a better place

there is harmony

in the deepest corners

of my very being

you supply my body with

such sweet earth shattering turbulence

while giving my soul

the love and peace it needs

to feel whole in such a

broken disturbed world

thank you

I just hope I give you even half

that back

in some meaningful measure

all my own......................

(Nov. 23, 2009 1142am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for the man who has captured my enchantment and made it his own.

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