THE DARKEST FAVOR(About my divorce)


scream most silently

a better calling cries

a keen interest fans the wind

to feed on the shadows of want

an endeavor of petted immoral desire

this want that so claws at me

want of change

want of depth

want of maturity

such need of need

a habit now born in a whirlwind

are such askings too bitter to be digested

such longings ache in the very soul

and make mischief from pools of tranquility

I hear no words

only the strains of music

that the bitter silence sings

the net of the muse

escapes not me

but mends itself

a few more lines

to beseech you with

a couldron's pot of

unparalleled gratitude

unbeknownst to your frosted heart

you shall do me 'The Darkest Favor'

but a favor all the same

by granting me open passage

to set myself free

something so painful

yet so very necessary

such sad love shedding

shall teach us both finer paths

on which to tread

life hurts


so much...................

(March 6, 2000 3pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

about my divorce.

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