
my mind takes its own chances and unexpected turns
as I write, another lesson it rapaciously learns
I am able to recognize it as a part of myself
but sometimes it seems like a separate being
though when I lay my thoughts to the page
it is my aching self I am fated to be freeing
the door to my deep introspection can always be
found standing ajar
within yet still always away from my saddened self
I stand off and a far
what it is I long for I am not at all too sure
to arrive at this moment as I have
the thought have never once before occurred
with my love for words and oh so wise cracking wit
how I have been so deceptively lured
the thought that I should never attempt to cross
that line has just suddenly blurred
and maybe in delving into these matters of the
before mentioned mind
I will as an end result be cataclysmically cured
if that were indeed true it would be for me quite
a lark
one must learn that before there is fire
first must come the smallest hint of a spark
recognizing the problem is half the gain
in closing out this poetic prop
with it I close out the pain
for now that is all I can do
with myself even if only until the end of this hour
it's safe to say I am through...........
(written May 28,1991 in the am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

some insight that felt it had to spill out.

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