
there's evil and there's cruelty
that go on unbeknownst to all
some hands are found tied and bound
within their very own rules of law
fate is not something for each individual
to know
life is sort of like an idea into which we
emotions can get confused and lost
in much too rapid progression
and center themselves within a fit of depression
from disappointment and anger there is no
adequate shade
into black I can only hope I quietly fade
eventually, I make it back to near equilibrium
at its right of center
as I pass through,into my soul
I take in another painful splinter
one I add to many before received
by this opportunist of guilt and unhappy
only I know where to precisely pause or
fully stop
as only I know what it is for which I scavenge
and shop
it's my skill or lack there of that makes this a
success or flop
if I fail and fall I have a long way to drop
contentment lays to the side
just out of my clasping reach
as I mentally make contact with my desperate
acquisition my nerves and raw emotions garble
my speech
systems stripped of their abilities to serve
jump circuits over loaded so out of embarrassing
dysfunctional way they can swiftly swerve
after the so called smoke clears
everything settles slowly back into its proper place
like in an epileptic fit
time is of the essence even when it's drawn out
to its slowest possible pace
for me, that is much of the time
the reiterating case
I know I'll be alright
because so far
I've never lost to myself a race.............
(written April 21,1991)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

a little of what goes on in my head.............almost scary huh?

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