there is something amiss in the chilly night air
is it of foul origin or fair
I am not myself so awfully sure
if I should attempt to take a personal look see
so to procure
the dog is on the side porch
the cat atop the old shed
I step outside only to stop still in my tentative
what is it I hear
I must proceed so to more clearly see
is it my fearful imagination or is there something
stuck up in the tree
if my throat could find its terrified voice
I would likely so very loudly scream
what or whomever it is has just shown
me a wicked tooth filled gleam
I know I must somehow locate a close by
lighted torch
I back step softly across the creaky porch
I find a flash light amid the tool box mess
and aim its bright beam directly up at our
most unwelcome tree guest
in purely relieved embarrassment I am happy
to report
that an old pie pan flew out of the garbage via
the wind
to wedge itself into our tree
in the front the yard
and that is our frightful intruder in short......
(written April 10,1991)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

was thinking of the cowardice of the fictional likes of say Ichabod Crane.

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