
In the darkest corners of my mind

there is a thought that lays in wait

this crisis though is so far under control

and none too great

a love of my own seems incongruent to my

current existence

but there is a man who continues to wear down

my willful, hellbent resistance

do I love him? I ask myself

that is a high possibility

will his said love withstand the years to come?

there is a quick expectance in this hope filled


Fair reader , do wish me great luck

that I don't make matters completely a muck

that I don't let bygones pass me by

and that one day soon

I will croon mine and my future husband's child

a lovely soothing lullabye

goodnight sweet and desperate thought

you are the truest of all loves........

(written Oct 15,1990)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

another hopeless crush!

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