
we all have something extra

an extra key

an extra pencil

even an extra quarter to put our lousy two

cents worth in some  twelve and a half times

for a person to be wise in poetry

he doesn't necessarily have to make certain that

every line rhymes

now it comes to my problem

of course there are many but I'll only elaborate

on one

my problem is that I have an unending supply of

love to give though there is no certain man right

now that I can dole this love out to

so once again I must take to pen and page as I always

seem to do

I love my mind

for it gives me a place to go when my hindsight

has lost its hind

my mind is witty and quick

and at times it can be rather thick

I wish my body could be as beautiful as my mind

then maybe just then I would be quite a catch

indeed to find

I will be very lucky if some day I can meet a man

who has my mind in his head as well

and no, I haven't gone completely around the bend

its just that I'm very tired and this poem must now


so farewell!

(written Jan. 5,1989)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

just my youth speaking of a longing from deep in the soul for that of which is a mate.

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