
I wish you could need me

if only for a summer's day

I wish you could love me if only in the

morning by the ocean's bay

so many times I rise from my bed

I turn around and shake my head

its so hard to believe that you remain

with me

even now when you are dead

there are so many promises that the heart


and so many dreams that the soul forsakes

all I ask is that you not break my will

and to myself

do not let even one single tear spill

for I must continue to be strong

even now when it has been so long

I don't need the reminder of a photograph

to conjure up the image of your face

as I do not need to take even one solitary step

to find myself in your place

I see your point now

it was not right to continue as we were

still, its hard to let go

for even now I'm not so entirely sure

yet, still there is a fight

a fight between the body and its pride

tonight the body won

while the pride died

I have this fantasy of you and I happily married


but its just that

a fantasy

in a dreamer's rose garden sort of way

the confusion in love is blue

the passion in and of love as  we all know

is red

then tell me, what does that make confused,

misplaced passion?


it has to be purple

like a bruise.........

(written Jan.15,1989)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

one of my earliest best poems in my opinion. this poem gave me a glimpse at what I one day just might be able to achieve with diligence and perseverance upon the writing path.

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