
Dave, Dave

he's such a rave

the public recluse except when he is drunk

that is he

but I still can't help but wonder

just what does he see in me?

I'm a nobody

just a girl simple and plain

I'm neither witty, bubbly nor overly


yet he calls, we go out , I make him yack

up a storm

he's going to slap me one day this he has

solemnly sworn

over and over I ponder our special relationship

in my head

and I've come to the conclusion

taht its not overly alive and yet it's not quite


you see together we are high careless and free

I'm not really myself when he's with me

I'm the on stage version of "Boof"

He and I together can make a spontaneous spoof

Laurel and Hardy couldn't even come close nor


what we are able to do for each other is so special

and rare

so all I can really say is

Thanks Dave for giving me so much of your treasured


and to you all of this is dandy and fine

but just remember poems written quickly

come a dime a rhyme

so, you my friend, now owe me ninety cents!

(written January some time in 1988)

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