
under the confusing tutelage

of a famed manic depressant

came a foul yet refined bevy

of defiant distaste

corrupted unto the manner of

excessive deviance

impropriety then donned her

avid regrets

which revealed her life to date

as a near to complete and utter


far exceeding the limits of acceptability

in this all too modern present day

starvers who long since denied their

ravenous senses

lost valuable ground under what they

each had to say

and all the martyrs in this world died

in unison

tripping over their numerous causes and

falling into each his designated grave

were lust, greed, fornication, ignorance

and over indulgence a vile disease

then the entire cauldron of man kind

would die in one exhausting fallible wave..........

(June 16, 1995)

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