
with unattached empathy

the recourse of any further, future fate

slams down unmercifully the harsh gavel of


which is all that each of us hopefully still


calling off all bets where the American dream

is concerned

while cutting the majority's possibility off

at the pass

what harnessed storm burns in these altered

eyes of squandered judgment

penning the world with the inhabitant's blood

to its original word

all shall in the end fall

to each his own life I say let not there be

any terrible waste

but mass hatred all too quickly comes to mind

and with it the wars of each opposing race

blacks and whites

mainly we whites

we are so supreme and Lilly white in our filthy

how great we are attitude

but we destroy a piece of ourselves as we take

yet another strip off our fellow man

will God forgive us collectively of each our

greatest sin

indifference and practiced passiveness over

what our world has stumbled to come to

what we each had a hand in helping to come to

I can only bath such worry in a repeated heart

felt prayer

to me the foulest word in the book

(any book) is Nazi

for they did the absolute unthinkable as the world

looked the other way

and then there smokes the tempered term

the clan ( klan)

which equates only high scale yet low intelligent

racial hate

in the heart of an already wounded society

I know that I am no better than my brother

the black man

yet I am simultaneously stifled and ashamed

by the white strangers of the clan

their white bread beliefs sicken me but they are

free to have their set of beliefs as I am too

so free

so I can only stew in the open shame of my race

oh and write of such unethical crimes

as I hope that the black man can see passed the

thin, pale color of my skin

for it is he who should have a big problem with me

not I with him

for he is of an unfortunate race who has had to


misery, abuse and repeated ridicule

while I stand embarrassed with my sorry head hung

I find myself wishing I had not been born to a race

so pious, self serving and cruel

though I know its far too late

but please accept my sincerest apologies

my dear Mr. Kings

(that is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and

Rodney King)..............

(Feb. 3, 1994 am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

how it gets to me all the racial tensions we have in the world.

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