Everybody seems to hate my computer but me.

Everybody seems to hate my computer but me.

Uncle hub ask to

Use my computer

Today I said okay fine.

I had had the computer turned

Off because it had been thundering

So I had cut it off earlier. So when he

Came to me and ask me to use it I said

Okay but you’ll have to give it a few minutes.

When he couldn’t wait a few seconds

For it to load up. He started cursing it and

Saying it was a piece shit. I’m thinking

Everybody tells me that but yet everybody

Always wants to use it. So it must be pretty damn good!

All I know is the next he wants to cam with his son on it

I’m going to say it’s a load of crap remember so why

You to talk on this load of crap or that’s what

You Call it.  it works fine for me maybe it’s because

I talk nice to it.

Aug 27th 2007

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