Months of the year!

Months of the year!

January is the first day of every new year

February is the month that cupid shoots his arrow

In the air! And sweetheart ball are taking  place


March is the month when the howling winds  stop by

And try to give us all a good scare.

April is the rainy mouth of the year! It’s also garden planning time and the opening season of baseball begins again!

May is the time to plant flower and schools graduation’s

In, and it’s mother’s day ole to mothers around the world!

June is the time June bugs are swarming everywhere

And people go on vacation!

Just is mouth we celebrate independence’s day, have a cook-out shoot fireworks!

August is the month school is back in session again and summer start to come to an end.

September  is fall season and the reruns are over and the season premieres begin again. It’s also when we remember who killed the day the towers fell.

October is the holiday kids are saying trick are treat


November is the time of we honor the pilgrims

December is the mouth we celebrate the birth of Jesus

Christ and that’s months of the year!

April 30th 2006,

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