Dalton's Tears

daltons poems

Dalton’s tears

Dalton’s Tears.

I feel this tear

In my eyes

That wants

To run down my face.

When I think

About the replay

Of the memory of

A guy who’s been

Like a daddy to me.

Mama tells him to just

Walk out and leave.

Without even


How much she’s hurting me

By not letting him see me.

Yes I knew he did Meth

And I’m not saying that smoking

Meth was right” But for once in my

Life I thought I would have a father to call

My own but now he’s gone I feel

Like a bastard child who doesn't know where he

Belongs, or what kind of his guy mama will bring

Home. I just hope she knows no matter how many guys

She brings into their home they’ll never replace the love that Dalton has for Tony in anyway! he will always love him like a father in every way!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My little cousin dalton wanted me to teach him  how to write poetry i told him that was hard to learn how to do haha so he thought of this line "I Feel a tear" and we had a conversation about how he was feelings. so i tried channel his feelings into a poem

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