Angel in a cage

Does anyone know,

what it's like,

to be an angle in a cage?

A cage of one's own pain.

A cage so tight

you cant even move

you cant sit, or walk, or run.

So little room, you cant even think.

Theres no way out.

You're afraid.

Agraid of the tightness

afraid of being alone.

No one to save you

no one to love you

But mostly of the truthes to come.

Why is this happening?

Why wont the pain end?

It comes over the cage,

Like a huge tidal wave,

That crashes over my body,

Drenches my wings,

And crushes my dreams.

Is there no god,

To take this pain from me?

Ami going to live,

With this pain forever?

Or will God save me?

I believe he will save me.

I know he will come.

I believe that he loves me.

I have to believe.

It is my only hope.

The bars,

The bars have gotten smaller.

There is a God!

He is setting me free.

I wont have to live like this forever.

The pain is going to end.

The waves,

The waves are now small ripples,

Ripples at my feet

That i can overcome.

I can see the sky!

I can hear the birds!

I can smell the sweet fresh air!

i can finally move my body!

The bars,

The bars are gone!

I am now no longer,

The angle in the cage.

Got has set me free.

I can fly,

I can soar,

I can dream,

I can be me,

I finally believe,

I have finally let go!

No more chains.

No more bars.

No more locks.

I am letting them all go.

I am finally free to fly.

No longer the angel in the cage.

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kiwi_jiwi's picture

Angel ina cage touched my in ways i have never been touched.
yourwork is very deep, andyou seem conciousof everything, ..speechelss, Kudos to youmy dear, look forward to new stuff.