16. Solitary

~The Book~

"Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong"
  - Sir Winston Churchill

A solitary figure.
Alone in the field,
Alone on the mountain,
Alone in the boat,
Alone on the edge,
Alone in life.

The mad young man,
Alone in his truth.
And alone in his lies.
The solitary figure who call's,
Yet no one comes to help.

Alone in his mind,
Always alone to himself.

Will he grow?
Become a strong person?
Greater then he is now?

Or is he destined to fail?
Give up on life at this early age,
Become a lonely statistic on the page.

It's no wonder we have the higher rate,
With all that's fucked up in the world,
Add me to that fate.

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I suppose maybe everyone is fucked up a bit, really. What sets people apart is that some admit to it and others never do.