Shadowly Twin



the words flowed from within...

Baby whats wrong..

He didn't answer..

starting too fear the mysterious

person following his every move...

Throwing his hands in the air

pulling hes hair screaming...

Its alright..

Its your souls reflection

staring back at you..

He wants too play hide & seek

when the sun beams from the wall...

You'll find him harmless as

a bird spreading its wings...


He's a little dark with no eyes...

He lend all his colorful

visuals too you so you can see

things he can't..

He's there all the time..

Its not his fault...

He blends in with the night...

Believe mama when she say

don't be afraid of whats deep

in your skin your Shadowly Twin..


Author's Notes/Comments: 

It was a freestyle..Today my son wa screaming at his own shadow lol...Awww i thought it was cute him was scurred of his own little shadow....

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yellowspecks's picture

That was great. My lil nephew used to do the same thing, when he got older he bugged us all out by saying he hated the dooby man. freeky. No one had ever used that phrase around him...odd. ~Rae