Why does he still love me?

As the blood poured out of his body

shot three times in the chest

guned down by his lover

he said he wasnt gay

and pulled the trigger

*bam* he walked closer

*bam* tears in his eyes

*bam*"i hate you..."

he sat from a far

watched as his lover

twitched on the floor

the puddle getting bigger

his breath getting slower

his words

were heard no more...

only gasps of air

trying ot live

trying ot fight

he locked eyes

with his lover

and he only mouthed three words


he fell to the floor

his body pale

no more words

no more crying

no more death

what have i done?

guned down my only love...

couldnt end his pain

left him to die

and yet...

he still loves me...


why god...why?

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