anxiety to insomnia

sitting here everynight trying to sleep

yet unable to clear my mind in complete stress and fear

my mind constantly racing and my heart constantly pacing

fearing i will lose control and be consumed by stress

my mind constantly awake as my body yearns for sleep

i lay here awake wondering what tomorrow will bring

hoping for a better day tomorrow and trying to forget today

as this hole in my soul grows larger everyday

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i may not be good at writing but i feel much better knowing that other people may read this and relate to how i felt while writing this bit....

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enolalily's picture said it wasn't responding the first lied!

JPike's picture

Paul, I know you personally and I consider you a good friend and yes I feel so deeply what you have to say and yes those feelings are common and your not alone in feeling that...take care good buddy and fight the good fight

Pandora Aquarium's picture

i do know how you feel. i have both. some days are good days, and others are well not so good. thanks for sharing

enolalily's picture

Firstly, I think you are good at writing, you express your emotions so well, and for me, thats what it's all about. Secondly, the number of nights I find myself sitting awake at 4am with all manners of things drifting through my's more often that it's know. I know how it feels to yearn for some sleep...those nights when sleep seems like it would be a Godsend, but they never come.
Just so you know..someone out there in the dark hears you.
Much love

enolalily's picture

Firstly, I think you are good at writing, you express your emotions so well, and for me, thats what it's all about. Secondly, the number of nights I find myself sitting awake at 4am with all manners of things drifting through my's more often that it's not. I know how it feels to yearn for some sleep...those nights when sleep seems like it would be a Godsend, but they never come.
Just so you know..someone out there in the dark hears you.
Much love