Caught in an endless loop

Working part time with no license or car

Feeling i will never get very far

Seems like no one care's so why should I

Sometimes i just want to break down and cry

Struggling in my head if i want to live or die

Some days wanting to just end it all

No one understands me, as i continue to fall

Wishing i just had someone to care for that also cared for me

But maybe i should move on and try not to dream

I hope some day i can accomplish something more

Trying like hell to open the door

Opportunity is at my feet

It's just a matter of not accepting defeat

Some days everything just feels so far

Pushing my self to move on and find a place to start

Author's Notes/Comments: 

here's another one for ya everyone gets down at times and right now my life sucks but writing just help's me deal with it i just hope things will get better and for everyone else out there going through the same thing hang in there

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