A way

May the difficult run its course

Another feeling of pure remorse

When the physical becomes all I know

The inner one feels the foe

Harsh thoughts split my head

Between consciousness and dread

The complexity of this place

Nuance’s glaring face


Words stop what needs

To release from the depths of me

This feeling of letting go

Shows me control

Astounded by how it all coagulates

The confounding nature of fate

The stunning beauty

And cursory mutiny


Stop this stream

Before I rip the seam

To reveal things falling apart

Through disgruntled art

Voids filled with matter

Form a contradictory platter

Of anger, love and lust

That will shortly lead to inevitable bust

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We all have the same things

We all have the same things to deal with in life. It is each person's perspective and choice about 'how' to deal with fate. When we judge another without knowledge of that person's perspective (which, according to all we know of physics, is impossible), we curse ourselves, which is why most religions will discourage it. Nonetheless, I like the poem because it is clearly expressed, and speaks very loudly of a perspective of....someone, somewhere, and it food for pondering.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "