Little Pieces

My heart is lying in pieces

Shattered at my feet.

Reflecting a billion images,

Of a wonderful past

Shredded into little bits of paper.

My you box overflows with letters

Too painful to reread

A past that was once wonderful

Shredded into little bits of paper.

You have your good looks

You have you incessant charm that drives anyone into madness

And I have my past that was once wonderful

Now shredded into little bits of paper.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I didnt write this poem out of a personal trauma, but i think that everyone can relate to it one way of another. Just remember to take from the past and learn from it rather than watch it shredding before you

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joelcarter_86's picture

First off- awesomely written yet again (i found ur site again and saw ya had updated). Second- i don't believe it isn't personal, reason being taht we (humans) all have a lil, as you call it, "you box" for various different people from our pasts buried deep in our minds...which is waht im fairly certian you were referring to. I really like the logic in this has something in it that im sure everyone can relate to. Especially the 'bits of paper' from the past. Great poem- as well as your other 2 new ones

Written by: Joel