The Rhymester's Prayer

Draftiness reached inside my head
The warmth makes the auburn turn into red
Speakers cut up, hands freezing and drenched
Like the open mind thinking about what just You have said

Moving ahead, running once in a while
For we are surpassing a long, long great mile
There's a lot of hurdle and loads of danger
I no need to worry coz we are together

Uphold the silence inside
Peace of the heart or peace of the mind
Break my heart in penitence, mend it with love
For it's better to be hurt, to kneel down and sob

To carry on is all I'm asking for
With a clean conscience, spirit, heart and soul
Do good works through love and an absolute faith
Working out patience, taking out the hate

In times of trouble be my leaning wall
In the days of sorrows it's still You I will call
Hold me close I beg, I cry
Like a loving mother to her dying child

The time is come to end this few lines

The vision is clear as you wipe up my eyes
All I can offer, all I can afford
Is to give thanks in the name of Your Son, our Lord


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Imprinted-soul's picture

I really like the rhymes!

I really like the rhymes! It's a Lovely poem:):)

melodicPoetic's picture

Thanks. You too have lovely

Thanks. You too have lovely poems. :)