The Lost Kiss

... and then he kissed her

was this a kiss? or was it heaven?

" ... it felt so like a kiss, my love

why then my lips were trembling

in desoluted sorrow?

and why that fluttering of my heart?

it was no rainbows on my face

but tears you saw

for I have lost your words ...

kiss me again

but this time hold me to your heart

I am within your embrace free

and shielded from the loneliness of loss

this stubborn heart

is muted by its joyous songs

how could I ever leave

although my fingers cease

their talkative nonsensicles

my mind still chatters

and my heart?

ha! this heart

this pump of passionate pain ...

does it rhyme with "vain"?

like a candle my Love

I shall feed you

and like a flame

your love

shall devour me

and what beautiful light

we will make

light showing countless vistas

of Light within darkness ..."

she moved towards him

touching his lips with her fingertips

"I love you" he whispered

to the palm of her hand

"I love you" her hand replied



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Ozjan Yeshar's picture

The moment you approach parted lips for a kiss is a ticket to a melting zone beyond time, place, or logic. :) Nice poem. I loved it. Cheers.