The Journey

The pain is endless

My soul is numb

My heart never fulfilled

The memories cloud my mind

Yesterday wont go away

Tomorrow is more then I can take

Happiness eludes me

Sadness fills my being

The feelings of loneliness overwhelming

Thoughts racing, never stopping

Playing over and over again

Every detail forever more etched

Every touch still felt

Every twisted word still heard

Every tortured secret unraveling

Playing in my mind forever more

Peace is a stranger I have not met

Anger is my best freind

Wasting in my tears

Crying of my fears

Praying for the end

Awaiting life anew

Where pain no longer touches

And tears become a thing of the past

Let me go home and rest

To a place where I can smell the rain

Let me sleep

Sleep without nightmares of years gone by

Not knowing where Im heading

Time is wasting with my fears

Pain is paralyzing my heart

The weakness is overcoming me

I have endured a lifetime of sadness

Faced evils few will ever know

Seen the bottom of the mountain to many times

Weary from the climb back up eyes are closing fight has all but vanished

Exhausted...looking for a place to rest

Restless....ready to take the final journey

Author's Notes/Comments: 

When I wrote this poem I was dealing with some child abuse issues....feelings of depression and ending the pain

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Becca Taylor's picture

Wow, that is a powerful poem. Well written. You have a lot of talent. Never stop writing. Thanks for posting :)

ugonna's picture

It all of its radiant beauty,
"The Journey" explicates the
reality of pain; and the yearning
of the human soul for emotional
purgation and healing even if:

"Every touch still felt
Every twisted word still heard
Every tortured secret unravelling
Playing in my mind..."

Yet we long for peace and
joy even through riddles
and tears. And in every
sense of humaneness we
crave for an end. But hen,
may we find this end with
a new begining within the
caring depths of Jo-anne's
"The Journey" in all of its
surviving purgation of the
emotion and healing bounties

I am so enriched to have read
"The Journey". And would surely
be back to its welcoming paths
again and again, and again...


hawksquaw99's picture

Oh what a journey, like life, the poem keeps on wearing on you, does it need to be such a painful one?

hawksquaw99's picture

a journey such as this can be one of that wears us down..... well written .....

Michelle Noel's picture

I think this poem is well put together. Though the subject is haunting reads very well. I like your style. I hope all is better for you at this point and please keep posting. Michelle