Tired Feet

This old man

Kicks the weeds

As he walks

With tired feet

He Stumbles in the streets

In his eyes I can see

He is only there


He has nowhere else to be

In the wind

His hair; long and unruly

He does not care

He can see

In my dissaproving eyes

That neither do we

But he is wrong

I know he is right

I know he has

Lived a life

And I understand

And I respect

Now that he has

Served his time

He has stopped caring

What is right

What is right?

In my youth

I forsee

In days that lie ahead

I will be

Just like he

Now I understand

Then I will believe

In worlds time

Many years


In the blink of an eye

And one day...

I will too be


Another old man

Kicking weeds

With tired feet

Walking the streets

With nowhere else

To be

My hair will be

Long and unruly

But I won't care

And when I see tomorrow's youth

I will know

They will too

In blinks of eyes

Be like me

I can't prevent destiny

They say "what will be

will be"

I see

In his eyes

He believes

At his grave

I pray

Theres shall be


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"Tired feet" belong to pilgrims and prophets
and words like these; to sages and poets.
Keep writing - Keep the faith.