Blessed are those....

My sleeplessness keeps ressurecting in weary waking hours...

Its since yesterday...

And yesterday has been since many yesterdays

Sleep for one hour child !

My mind pulls out a lullaby to make me feel numb....

Tricks and plots of mind....





The mornings chase my memories and I feel naked under million awakened eyes

Its since sometime...

The damp walls inside my eyes keep falling...

At every thump and strike...

I am suddenly awake...

Awake as a long narrow sight....

Sleep for a moment child!

For these eyes have nowhere to go.....


Blessed are those who sleep.



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MargoT's picture


en revoir tu as make mon coeur happy xxx

Visual poet/ Libertine lost in a labyrinth of complexities, methaphors, searching for the essence/ Ink of life/ death to spell my syphilistic words on the page/ screen.       

Muin's picture

Aideu I didnt


I didnt understand....

