

I just met a person who seems really cool; she doesn't seem like others I know who just drink, smoke pot, and drool.
She seems like a person whom with I would agree; like a person to sit and talk to under a tree.
She doesn't seem at all stupid; she seems just like a little cupid.
I'm so glad that met her, I did; I hope that she is older than a kid.
For, there are so many things we could talk about; about happiness, sadness, anger, and self-doubt.
Maybe, we can talk together; about something more important than the weather.
I hope that she will write me back; because the one thing I hate is a drug abuser on crack.
Maybe she will be a woman so sweet; she'll probably knock me off my feet.
Because I am looking for deep people in this world; not those who just flakily have sat around while their heads whirled.
It's great to find another poet who might be like me; who enjoys a man, an animal, and a tree!

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Elfy's picture

:) Awwwww Thank you! I love

:) Awwwww Thank you! I love this poem, its awsome. You offically made my day, a good one. I would like to talk and get to know you better, message me anytime, ill awnser :)
I do enjoy a man, an animal and a tree. Sorry if im not typin as much as usally, my hand is buggin me today. And im not a kid, though im not that old. lol Im going to be 18 in July. But trust me, im alot older then what my years say.
Thanks again!
