The Almost Christmas That Wasn’t (Short Story)

Short Stories

T’was the night before Christmas, all through the house, not a single sound………..WAIT a minute.  Don’t all these stories start this way?  Probably.  Well, guess what, this year it will be different.

On a Sunny day at the shores of New Jersey in the middle of December, there was once a man in a red suit.  He sat on the beach waiting for a drink when two children asked, “Who are you sir? And why are you here?”  The Gentleman replied, “I am the Great Santa Claus and I am here because Christmas is here.”  The two children looked at each other and laughed.  They walked away.  The gentleman got all sad and it started to rain.

He started to head back to his hotel and when two older kids came up to him and asked, “Dude, how you make it rain?  We saw you from the distance and after those kids left, you cried.”  Santa replied back, “I guess I am sad because no one believed me that I am Santa Claus.”  The two older kids saw each other, and laughed.  They too walked away.

Threes have past by, and the rain storm just doesn’t seem to lighten up.  So, two teens on the side of the road asked, “Why are you crying sir?”  Santa looked at them and said, “I’m crying because no one believes in me.”  So one of the teens asks, “Why not?  Everyone believes in anything.  I believe in fairies.”  Santa shakes his head and asks the two teens if they believe in Santa.  The two teens looked at each other and started to throw rocks at Santa.  And one teen said, “If you’re Santa, then I definitely do not believe in fairies.  GET OUT OF HERE OLD MAN”.  Santa runs away in tears to find a hiding place from the teens.

When he gets to a corner he sees every one of all ages buying gifts for their loved ones, their friends, and family.  And Santa asks, “What’s going on here?”  A lady responds back, “Didn’t you hear sir; everything in this store is on Sale because it is Christmas.”  Santa replies back, “Christmas isn’t about shopping; it is about Love, Family, and Friends.  Your wasting your time on yourself, ma’am.”  The lady looks at him, “Who are you, Santa? HAHA.  Now get out of my way old man, I got to get my gifts before they run out.”

Three blocks down, from where all the foolish shoppers where buying gifts for who knows who.  Some elder people gathered around a giant tree.  Santa asks, “What’s going on here?”  One of the elder men tells Santa, “Well sir, we are trying to get closer to the tree so that we can put up decorations, but THIS Policeman is not letting us get close.”  So Santa pushes aside all the people around the tree and asks the Policeman, “Why Young Man, why can’t these people put decorations on this beautiful tree?”  The cop replies back, “Sir, step back or I will arrest you.  We are trying to cut down this tree and make way for the new Shopping Mall that’s going to go here.  So, everyone, please, go home.  Your families are waiting for you.”

Santa replies back, “Sir, these people are here because they want to celebrate Christmas.”

The cop replies back, “HAHAHA Christmas?  HAHAHA There is no Christmas anymore.  All I see are people shopping a trampling all over each other.  HAHAHA”

“Very well Cop, and everyone who doesn’t believe in Christmas anymore…ATTENTION EVERYONE, Anyone who does not believe in Christmas any more; just go home and forget about the Giving & Loving to your Family, Friends, anyone else.  If you think that ‘Shopping’ is the new meaning of Christmas…then I guess you are wrong,” Santa yelling.

When the elder people look at him, their hearts filled with joy and started to cheer for Santa.  Rapidly, all the elders gathered around the Christmas tree and realized what Christmas IS all about.  And one Elder asks Santa, “Are you who I think you are?”  Santa replies back, “Yes Johnny, I am.”  He goes into he’s bag and takes out the train set that Johnny always wanted when he was a kid.

After a while, everyone stops and realizes why they are where they are and looks over when all the Grandparents are never realizing how happy they are.  Johnny tells Santa, “Santa, I am happy to see you.  It is true that you do exist.”  Santa responds back, “Yes Johnny, I do.  But unfortunately everyone else believes that Shopping is more important now then gathering together around the Christmas tree.”

A few hours have past, the rain stopped and it starts to snow.  So much, that everyone looks at the sky seeing that they are having a White Christmas after all.  Everyone stops and start to cry realizing that Christmas is about the Love & Joy of one another and not about just the shopping.

Everyone that had laughed at Santa, they walk up do him and they say they were sorry for not believing in him.  Santa replies back, “Boys & Girls, its okay to apologize because Christmas is just not once a year, but it is always in our hearts no matter if it is raining, snowing, or just sunny.  Merry Christmas.”

December 24, 2006

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