london took too long to turn on

annonymous influence

stuck to my skin like inheritance

oh dear its become entrapment

they have stung my hopes tonite

posing in a dozen roses

on a cold night killing me with caution

and i think my head has gone distraught

with misery again

i suspect the resident

is the brains behind this torment

but let me execute this apprehensive

plan of mischief

before my strings can come undone


help me come to consciously

and correct this travesty i've made

of me and everything around me

dressing up with seven glances

and the oh so pleasant smile

numbing out the sick pretension

cut back.

can you

make sense

of my invalid grammar?

the syllables are sounding flat

and my attempts have run me daft

a side effect of lonliness

is that what you would call it?

i guess i was a saint before

but the places i have seen

are photographs of my dissention

jaunting slings of conflicting disinterest

designs of idiosyncratic passion

pass me by like throw away dialogue

from an unimportant speech

like amnesia's sordid sister

i frolic with insomnia

parading in stunt abstinence

into the endless night

close my eyes and there you are again

the battle i can never win

so fuck the fight

i'm giving in

to your contempt sedation

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