In the silence

I see what you do when no one is around not your parents not your friends I know what goes on when your lonely and afraid I know how you feel after you make a mistake I know how close you come to redemption to fall once again when will you stand up and get it right when will you show up to the occasion rise past your faults your issues your addictive tendencies when will the darkest night turn to day or will this merry go round keep spinning until one day you just fall off wouldn't that be a life saver putting a smile on during the day so no one can see how broken you really are can you ever put this jig saw puzzle back together or will the box on the outside only be the perfect picture of the life you could have the memory of having it all together fades away by the day can you grab it before it disappears or will it just fade you can't do it on your own but your too proud to ask for help what will they think the blank faces all around you try to appease only at the bottom of the bottle do you feel safe but there is no safety there when the bloodshot eyes fade and the headache remains is just a reminder of the ride your on the ride that's never finished it just has a new starting point each day

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