

Your veins crawl up your arms like barren maple branches reaching for the sky. Fixed on them, my eyes weep as I forget to blink.


I have no worry of you catching me in study, rather, my eyes scan the vicinity hoping that no one else has noticed me in reverie while my eyes laid upon you.


Your muscles contract as you put your hands to work, causing variations in your branches that beckon me as if they're blowing in the wind; smaller, larger; closer, farther. I am undisputedly captivated.


Blissfully unaware that you notice my gaze upon your skin and what lies just beneath its surface, the task I've been performing becomes reflexive as I continue to bathe in my fantasies.


Reminiscing our night together, intense but rushed, my mind expands upon what happened with could've-beens. Had there been more time and more freedom, maybe I would know what your lips felt like pressed against mine as our tongues danced together; or your teeth on my skin, digging in like you're hungry and want to take a bite.


I recall how your hand on the back on my left thigh felt: a strong, firm grip, rough but warm to the touch. I crave to know how it feels wrapped around my neck as your blue, cavernous eyes peer into mine while they glimmer with pleasure.

I can still hear the depth and confidence of your voice as you spoke to me. I wish I knew how it sounded to have your commands and praise echo within my eager ears; "just like that," and "good girl."


As I sit lost in the fiction of you, I imagine you thinking about me -- thinking about me thinking about you. I wonder, was it too much? Would you do it again? 'Cause someone else has your love, and with them you share your space. You've let me in once, now I'm chasing your shadow down this fairytale highway, hoping you'll let me in again.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

March-May 2024

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