Who Listens to The Closed Mouth Scream

Who'll notice that the darkness crawls

To still the heart on which it falls

And while within such awful dreams

Who listens to the closed mouth screams?

Who'll notice that there is no light

To end the blackness of the night

And thus enwrapped it always seems

No one hears the closed mouth screams.

Who'll notice that what's felt inside

Is but the part that lately died

And as it leaves on darkened beams

No one hears its closed mouth screams.

Who'll notice that a man once stood

In this figure's darkened hood

And as the end toward him streams

Who'll listen to the closed mouth screams?

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Melissa Rives's picture

Michael....this is a bit different coming from you, but I like it alot...a bit on the darker side....powerful writing!