What's Left To Hold

Blackberries no longer cling

To the vine where used to sing

The mocking bird with plumage gray

As I sat while thoughts would play

With those of Thomas Merton.

The berries are gone, the bird is too

Though the air is warm and the sky is blue

But I still sit and feel the power

Of the watchman in the tower

Who was this Thomas Merton.

The vine still lives and lets me know

That soon again the fruit will grow

And I am sure too will the bird

To mingle song with every word

From me and Thomas Merton.

And so I say, what’s left to hold

As another ending does unfold

To bolster mind and strengthen will

Are the echoes that linger still

Of birds and Thomas Merton.

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onelilartist's picture

Great flow and meter. Perfect rhyming scheme and rhythm.


Melissa Rives's picture

I love your style and your voice.