Finding home

I find my life has turned out fine
Two sons, a daughter, a wife that's kind
A house, a job, the bills are paid 
Two cars in the garage, a bed to lay

How did I ever get back on track?
How did I compensate for the skills I lack?
How did I fight the urge to leave?
How did I get comfortable living with me?

I owe it all to the woman I love
She is full of wisdom and knowing hugs
She has done her best to not judge me 
She gives me space when I can't breathe

A gentle push, a loving frown
A reassurance she'll be around
A friend, a lover, a human being
A sturdy shoulder when I'm in need

It hasn't always been this way
I was married before, but didn't stay
I left two boys on there own
Like my father did, to be alone
I truely regret what I've done 
Not being there... they had no one

To teach them how to throw a ball
To be there when they take a fall
To show them how to ride a bike
To hold them in my arms so tight

It wasn't love that I was lacking
PTSD had sent me packing
Trying to find an easy way
To stop the pain that grew each day
I contimplated suicide
But that was selfish, I couldn't die 
What if one day my boys need me
I have to be there... 
I couldn't flee

I quit my vices, including drinking
Started reading, started thinking
Tried to find a higher power
Hope and prayed and cried for hours

What I found beyond was me
In charge of my own destiny

At that point, I met a girl 
She filled the voids in my whole world
She helped me meet my boys again
She taught me love that never ends
She showed me how to be a man
She is my rock, she's my best friend

Each day is still a struggle
But one important thing has changed
I will never take for granted 
This life in which I gained.

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Beautiful, glad you're

Beautiful, glad you're finding your way. Nicely written!