I return

New poetry

I return with tired eyes and a fragmented soul 

I wrote the words as if I were scratching into the actual Earth 

Scorching the ground with my prose 

I dig my pen into the paper like I'm rewriting time 

Changing the hardness of life and softening the edges

I smoulder with iridescence. I bleed from

My self-inflicted wounds. 

I drag the sky downwards and breathe in

The clouds 

I see through matter that you don't see

There are millions of unseen eyes and grasping hands 

Hidden beneath the peace. 

I will scatter like dust in the end 

But for now, I am whole 

Resplendent with my own psychosis wrapped up in trauma 

Beautiful in its way 

Ever changing, I ride on

The waves of change still I remain the same 





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Spinoza's picture

welcome back


Self-inflicted wounds are always the most painful, especially when we said or did wrong causing hurt that spoiled a close relationship. That kind of pain always compounds upon regret. And it’s a bitch of a pill to swallow, knowing that we did it to ourselves.


That said, welcome back.

GabulousGabby's picture

Thanks for the welcome :-).

Thanks for the welcome :-). It's been a while. Xx