
Silence my slippers

as they whisper forth the halls

stifle my voice

as they canter to your foreign ears

baby steps, we take, we gather

we plop before us on a hopscotch sidewalk

we hop to the end to our easy chairs

follow, follow, the numbers of the pattern

the silver nervousness

of squeaking through the crack of life

you present your tears forth

forth upon my dull old shoulders

follow the hopscotch road away

we’ll fade away together

tiptoe top the numbers to our death

our death as one, as it will come

don’t forget your goggles

don’t forget to forgive

don’t forget the love behind it all

babysteps, a little march we take, we squander

we wait impatiently we do not know

how slow it waits for us

how blessed, how cursed we are

don’t ever forget

don’t ever be so clever to forget

the love observing our last few steps

we walk the plank

we know the pits under we walk

we know every little salty tooth

that waits for us

I’ll hold your hand

I’ll hold your tears on my shoulder

In my grungy shallow pocket

Snug so safe and warm

Count slowly, the last few steps

I’ll hold your shivering hand

The last few breaths,

Last few gulps of tastes of life

Don’t ever forget me

On the day to end all days

My hand, my shoulder, my pocket

Don’t ever forget the love

The poison picturesque

Don’t forget the hopscotch road

So carefully made with chalk by a worthy hand

Don’t forget the hand that waits for yours

On the day of all days

The tears of all tears

Don’t forget to count the baby steps

Don’t forget to count on me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Author's Comments on "Vanish"
This is connected to "Girl" because it has the same topic.

View merkaba11's Full Portfolio
Dora Lyn's picture

nicely written. i like it. read some of mine and critique plz.