The Battlefeild

The battlefeild of my mind

Where my thoughts constantly colide

Thoughts of logic try to stop me

Thoughts of death urge me on

To which thought shall I surrender

Which shall claim my life tonight

Shall blood or tears grace my surroundings

Or maybe both, in painful spite

In the battlefeild of my mind

Another battle has been lost

Or was it won? I can not say

But blood has stained my mind and soul

Forever clouding all my judgements

Snatching willful life away

Now green to red and life to death

A vicious battle lays at end

But not for long, soon awakened

The battle resumes again

Will the outcome be the same

Or change for now, one can't say

But I have lost either way

For both forces in this war

Are from me, thus in the end

I have lost, yet I have won

Until the battlefeild is used again

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Kevin, this poem is really good. I know what battling with innerconflicts are like. A mind is a very very powerful thing... whether we want it to be or not. I really hope things start getting better for you. You deserve it. This poem is so true for so many people. I hope you can see how incredible you are, and how beautiful your poetry is. I love you.