Theories Of The Greater Wisdom

What explanation is there,

For a sparrow gliding on air?

Man did not invent this wonder,

With his technology or mind power.

Studies could never prove,

How the sun knows when to move,

Or what's on the mind of a tornado.

What justifies trees that grow,

In a season of drought,

Showing no signs of struggling without?

Would there be a need for science across our land,

If not for the touch of God's hand?

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Cookie Nicole's picture

I really like this one... a joy to read.

Danniel Lennax's picture

Very nicely writen.
And ooohhhhh ssso true!!!!!

What other reason could there be for a bird to fly?...or a flower to bloom?...or a child to laugh?

Without the touch of God's hand,we wouldn't be who and what we are.

I like this piece.
