

Hope is what keeps us alive.

Waiting and yearning for the event to happen.

To make it happen...That is what it all comes down to.

Hope is what keeps us toiling.

The hope that the next day

will be just as good ...if not better than today.

Hope keeps us going.

..increases aspirations,

brings joy...it is the ultimate driver.

Hope brings apprehension

An expectation at a certain point of time

giving way to apprehension -

the hope of realising that expectation.

Hope is so often clubbed with joy.

Yet how often is it that hopes are dashed,

That aspirations crushed, and expectations ruined?

The few moments when hope is ripe

gives us joy,

it is the journey thats important say people.

Yet what if the journey is futile?

The rosy glow of hope

makes the taste of failure even more bitter.

So is it better not to have hoped at all?

Yet, the journey becomes important

when you hope and things turn out as desired

Because, a fulfilled hope is mroe of a destiny fulfilling itself..

rather than a sweet surprise, a result of your toils.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written by DC (and not me). Have posted it here after her approval :)
She had written it in prose form, which I "converted" into poetry.
Credit goes to her for channelizing her thoughts beautifully.

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