Different as Night and Day

We're exact polar opposites, don't you see?

You, a creature of darkness

And me, a "child of the light"

Strange, then, that we should be friends

Since it would seem we have nothing in common

For instance

You prefer to read of blood and gore

I would much rather have magic and fantasy

But that is just the beginning

You are the insightful one,

Usually sensing people's thoughts

While I usually can't even figure out my own

Some differences are so extreme

They are almost similarities

You had, as you put it, no childhood

I had perhaps too much of one

Consider, too, our means of verbal defense

You, scalding tongue and sharp wit, almost acidic

And me, simply caustic, too-late comebacks

I've wondered, lately:

Together, would we cancel each other out?

I wonder if I'll ever understand.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

You know who you are.

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I must say, though you make it seem as if difference is a bad thing, this poem is very well written. My favorite line is "You, scalding tongue and sharp wit, almost acidic" Scalding tongue has to be among the best descriptions I've ever read. And don't forget that opposites tend to magentize each other.