The absence of him

Have you ever felt so hollow

That nothing can fill you up?

Has it ever hurt to swallow

Even as your lips brush the rim of a cup?

Have your eyes burned

When wide open,

Has the light never seemed too dim?

Have you felt overcome with lethargy

When you know it's all caused

By the absence of him?

There was a glimmer of connection,

There were those sparks set off by

Two like minds.

He basked in the rising sun of godliness,

But now you can't see him through the blinds.

Day and night are one and the same

When you're on a solo circuit,

When you realized it takes two

To play the game.

Some would commend you for standing alone,

Subservient to no one,

Your rights are your own.

Others would see you a porcelain doll,

With no stand to support you,

Slumped against a cold wall.

When a willful beam of light

Leaks into your cell,

You can do hardly more than squint,

Lest your eyes feel unwell.

Yet that solitary glint

Against the solid metal bars

Offers a glimpse of hard tomorrow

A stubborn point of light

Beaming from sharpened scimitars.

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