
Searching, looking, straining, finding,

For what I need to write;

I stare at blank white sheets

Willing the graphite to flow on it's own

Or maybe the keys

On the keyboard before me to type the words, poetic or inspirational words

But they just sit the silently mocking my inability to produce something through them

I sit and try to imagine, something, anything,

To write for the teacher, but nothing comes

My mind comes up with doors locks but no key

I search and try

I look everywhere in my mind

And there it is simple, old tarnished bronze,

A key on the floor

I pick it up hoping that there will suddenly be something


It just sits, cold and dull on my palm.

I frown and turn, there's the door with it's...

Large bronze lock.

I push the key in the lock

Turn it...


It's opened, the inspiration is through the wood

I open the door in my mind, and my hands start flying,

Typing, writing, I can't stop

The words just flow like a rushing river

And I let them

Until it's done

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 9/12/08 for English class

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