The devils intentions written



A succubus from hell, a hypocritical monster with selfish intentions. Father has fell victim, it is my duty as a son to 

free him of this bitch. Her mind is deluded with the "Right way". The right way entails getting me out of the way, so she 

for the rest of her life can suck the life out of my father, vengance is her motive, success her goal. At any cost necessary.

She says I am lazy, with no direction, yet she has a job that entails reading to children, and than having holidays and summer off

where she is free to do the exact same. This does not stop her from bitching everyday about her job, further draining the life

out of myself and my father. Just now she is cleaning the hot tub to relax in the nice hot sun with her lovely daughter 'Lauren', her 

little adversary, her partner in crime.

She wonders why my father insisted she move out at once, for perhaps we could stand one monster..

BUT TWO?... never. There are limits to what my father will tolerate, my father and I are the same, but I do have weaver in me, a force

that Leslie see's threatning, She labels it quitting and running away, when really it is an unacceptance to be subjected to evil

 us weavers are cunning, and are tactful when it comes to avenging the ones close to us, and we will not stop until we reach the TOP!


The top entailing, ridding this hideous creature from my fathers life so he may find one who can share life with him in the way

he deserves. 

Which is being happy, for one. Striving, being able to come home without hearing about how shitty his wifes day was EVERYDAY.

How everything

bad happens to her, how she is victim to all things, how she is the most special person on the planet

how she is the epitome of Great, she is queen, she is the right way, everone else who differs is wrong.

She can maintain this false perception

Via a reliable husand who can provide shelter and food, and who is afraid to speak up and ditch the pig who claims to love him oh so much.

It is a lie. 

She has hooked the gullible fish, she is the bacteria that clings to the blue whale for food, and transport, for survival. She is scum, she is a devil.

She tore my father and sister apart, she got one out of the way, and to this day surpresses any urge my father has to rectify the situation

 and  though my sister did not withstand the challenge, I on the otherhand will, I will not

stand for this selfish behavior, I will not stand for her devious ways, I will not stand for it at all. This bond between her and my father

is strong she has sinked in her teeth, I am taking my time. I pry little by little, I take my time, for one big strike will not be succesfull. Timing

is key in dismantling her plan. When the time comes, I will strike with the most ferocious of aggression, she will be socked sky high like a steroid

injected barry bonds homerun, way over the wall where Noone will find her, where she will not be subjected to any of us again, to return to the shadows

where she will lurk again for another poor mans soul to suck on to. She is jealous of this seemingly behaivor I have gained, quitting, sitting around, she longs

for this the very things she complains about, she wants. There is more to life than this, and my father does deserve it. He is my father, I am on earth 

because of him, an extraordianry gift and honor, and my gift to him is to enlighten him about this relationship, for it is NOT too late, and that is an advantage

I have over Leslie, she thinks she has won, she is to be surprised, She is a fool to think that I am to roll over and let her have her desires at my fathers

expense, it is not going to happen. I await for her to threaten to leave my father, this very manuever will be her last, at this point she will has fucked herself

This is a game of chess, and though I am devious I am doing it for my father, though he may feel saddened by her threat, I will present why he should not.

My father and I are emotional fools, he does not want me to leave, he lost his daughter (Run away) which leslie endorsed, he does not want to lose his son, he never will, but the very fact leslie

threatens to leave for my presence is still known will enrage my father, she will be the very one who destroys her plan, it will all be her, not me. 

She does not know the strength of my fathers desire to not have a similar situation like the one with my sister, this desire is strong and the fear even

stronger, she will threaten it, my father will kill the threat. She wishes to continue this false love for him for the rest of their lives, she does not love my 

father, she loves the stuff, she loves the house, she loves the control, she loves the idea of her forever living off my father. I feel once she has been rid of

my fathers fears will subside, he will relax once again, and he will be happy. Him and I need our seclusion, and our time to ourselves, to ponder our moves. 

At this time it will be time for me to say my goodbyes, and he will know why, for the time comes to go our own way, but this shalln't happen, until I free

my father of his disstress (Leslie), of his fears (Losing me), after which he will finally be at peace with life. And I will too. I owe him this gift, for is

part of why I am here. My fathers fear to be alone has landed him into a destructive relationship. And as soon as I destroy it, I will be free to move on with my life

and he will move on with his, in a way that he wants, in a way he will not feel trapped. 



How long have such intentions been dwelling inside, moving me with dark ways.


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nightlight1220's picture

That was good, Mardigan. I

That was good, Mardigan. I feel for children who have to grow up with such difficulties. I was not a perfect parent--none of us are



...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


Mardigan's picture

It does no good to feel for

It does no good to feel for others. This was written merely as a release. I have no wishes to do any of these things, misery is a means to peace. 

nightlight1220's picture


You're absolutely right. People are going to make their own choices regardless. I don't see as so much of a means to peace, or expect any ourcome. At my age it gets to be about 'energy'---and where do I choose to put my energy into. Certainly not worrying about the choices others make for themselves.



...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


Mardigan's picture

Perhaps I should choose not

Perhaps I should choose not to put my energy on dark energy.