
I am open,
Like a fresh wound
I’ve become undone,
Like shoe laces
As I bring myself to you

Not because I am a gift

I do
Have done
Will continue

Because I can
Because I said so
Because you are not
My fucking

The strings have been cut

And I am open and undone
As I bring myself to you
Because this body is mine
And I’ll do what I will with it
Inject what I will in it

And there will be

I look forward
And my future is all I see
My imminent death

As the story becomes undone
The book is now open
You have found truth in a heap
Of beautiful lies

The pages;
My hair
The words;
A song of heart
And the cover;
A shell

You’ve thumbed through me
And then you threw me
Marked me
Wet me
Bruised me
Dropped me
Used me
Read me

And unlaced every bit of me
Then you put me back on your shelf
Like some sort of accomplished prize

But my fingerprints still lie
On your heart

I am parchment
I am hard and soft cover
I am letters and words
I am stories
And pages
A fantasy
The world you see before you
The beauty and destruction I am capable of

I am open
I have become undone

Let your shadowy spirits cast over me
Taste the sweat that was once there
Become new
Fresh and damp to you
Funny isn’t it?
How scared I was
How malleable I can be
How destructive I am

And because I dread of being alone in this
I lead you there myself
To feed you straight into
The belly of the beast

How innocent you once were
How daring you are
How defeated you will be
Under his rune you have no savior

I grin as I watch it wrap its icy fingers around your heart
Turning your soul into nothing more but a sore

Your tears mean nothing
While he fills you with flint and
Shiny broken glass
And cradles you
Harboring his hate inside of you like a
Deep into your lungs

I watch and laugh
No air or hope left in you to pray
For your God to let some light
Pour in ont you

There is no light down here…
Only the dead is your company
And the undying stench

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Morningglory's picture

Don't wanna be in THAT belly.

Don't wanna be in THAT belly.

Copyright © morningglory