Don't Wake Me

in my dreams we are the same age, we are young,

in my dreams i am beautiful,

in my dreams we are always holding hands,

in my dreams we are always stealing kisses,

in my dreams we are close,

in my dreams we are wealthy,

in my dreams....i am happy

i awake and face reality, i am not young or beautiuful or rich,

i question our relationship, sometimes i feel there is no closeness,no holding hands, no stealing kisses,

i question my happiness,

in my nightmares, i am confused, i am sad, i want to go on dreaming,

in my nightmares i see old age, i see death,

in my nightmares i do not belong with you, i see a young beautiful woman at your side, holding your hand, stealing your kisses and making you happy,

in my nightmares my mind is a mess,

the scary thing is i am awake when i have my nightmares,

i want to go back to sleep and dream......

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Ashley Jordan's picture

I really liked this one too. You have a wonderful way of conveying your feelings, especially hope and fear - hope this story has a happy ending :-)