
Hands grabbing whatever is closest.
Hair, limbs, hearts intwining.
Lips touch, hands roam.
Sounds trying not to come out.

Consiquenses not thought of.
Tommorow a thing of the past.
All that matters is the girl beneath me.
And the knowledge that she moans for me.

I feel like a whore.
Yet she is the only person I have ever kissed.
Is this normal in a relationship?
This doesn't matter as her hands run down my back.


What I did not know,
That regrets raced through her mind.
The morning came and I went.
And I left as the whore I knew I was.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Please don't judge me. Criticize my writing. Tell me how to make it better, tell me your emotions to this poem. Just please dont say you agree or disagree with my reasoning in this poem at the moment. The feeling is still quite fresh and new and it hurts. And I am hoping that if it put it on here it will losen its hold on my mind. Left me with the feeling of 'If only I could do something right.'

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Beavis's picture

Nothing to judge.

We are all human. The poem is an excellent start. The important thing is that you captured the raw emotion of the event. Now, at some point, step back from it and with and artist's eye, shape it into the lens you want others to see it through. You have a great poem going here. Keep working on it!

SSmoothie's picture

gee this is a tough one!

The poem is really good there needs a litte more flow in the is this normal in a relationship line. as for the rest you will figure it out. dont get too worried about feeling human with natural and normal urges. you can always do something right anytime you choose but first you must forgive the part of yourself you dont understand. If you did not like something about it just dont do it again. Take a little time in the grand scheme of things, its not the worst thing in the world. The word you have used for the title is harsh, but attention grabbing. I think the real problem is very often in "first" time we leave behind a very sacred and important perhaps nieve part of ourselves that we cant regain. But this is the essence of growing up and maturing. one is not the definition of the title. Many is the definition. other than this I wish you peace and pray you move forward from this quickly. hugSS.

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

LovingLovelace's picture

Thank You

I showed this poem to my friend and she told me I was blowing it completely out of proportion, and that ,in truth, nothing got this far.
She told me that; 'if she was the only girl you ever kissed how could you be a whore? If it didn't get very far and all clothes stayed on then whats the deal?'

I don't know. THe guilt in me is so bad it threatens to overflow.



(P.S Thank you for the feedback on how to make it better :3 )

If your mirror doesn't find you one of the most beautiful people it has ever seen, punch it and find a better mirror.

SSmoothie's picture

you have yourself a

Very good friend there! She is right but its ok you need to work through it. It's a natural normal response. Hugs SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

MyinsecureSelf's picture

Well i don't think all this

Well i don't think all this makes you a whore, more of just an average teenager lol...sure it still may be wrong, but i think most of us are just as guilty or regretful concerning some moments in a past or current relationship, so i say don't kill yourself over it, unless this is directly interfering with more important life matters..
As for your poem itself i thought it was well written!
Hope i made some sense and helped

LovingLovelace's picture

Thank you, I may not be over

Thank you, I may not be over it soon, but thank you for supporting me.

If your mirror doesn't find you one of the most beautiful people it has ever seen, punch it and find a better mirror.

Matterspeck's picture


I read your poem and feel it too, i know nothin of poetry or of you, but you write so well, the feelings come through. My heart for a second in touch with you.

LovingLovelace's picture

Thank you. There is not much

Thank you.

There is not much more I can say, so just, Thank you.


If your mirror doesn't find you one of the most beautiful people it has ever seen, punch it and find a better mirror.