

They held their hands out
To catch me if I fell.
I fell.
They did not catch me.
They hold out their hands to help me up.
I refused.
They did not look back.
I fell deeper.
One turned back.
Others followed.
I take their hands.
I hang suspended.
They say they wont drop me.
As they slowly pull me up.
But can you trust the ones
Who watched you fall?
I did.
I do.

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poet610's picture

I hang suspended.

Trust a very hard thing for some. I find it very hard to trust.
To trust is a hard gift to have less for me.
You are very strong and a great writer.
Keep up the great work

LovingLovelace's picture

Thank you

I agree full heartedly. For me it is so easy to trust. But as I said in the poem, I trusted them and they let me down. It is hard to trust them after that, but I still do and nothing so far to prove that it was the wrong choice.

If your mirror doesn't find you one of the most beautiful people it has ever seen, punch it and find a better mirror.