Letting Go

The very first time I saw  you,

I felt head over heels over you.

Finally, faith took it's course.

We were brought together

And for a while, we stayed together.

Sharing everything that we could possibly share with the other.

Becoming friends as well as lovers.

Then, reality took it's course,

There I stood all alone, wanting you to hold me and tell me that it would all pass soon.

But, you just left me there, leaning against the car.

My heart was broken into pieces and tears flowed like a rain forest.

After you told me it was all over between us.

I didn't let go of the rope that attacted the two of us together,

And even after you broke my heart.

I stood by you, and never complained!

But, now, I must cut the rope

And wish you the very best.

I hope that you will always be happy,

I hope that you will surive the game of life,

I hope, also, that you will find it inside yourself to love yourself.

When you finally do find the love for yourself.

You will be able to love once again.

You arent' living life to the fullest, if you cannot love yourself and your love ones around you.

Best Wishes, my dear friend.....

I'm letting go.

Fly as high as you can!

You're free as an eagle to fly.

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Amazing poem xxx