Why Can't I Be Better?

Why can't I be better?
Why am I such a weak person?
Why can't I be someone more noticeable?
Why can't I be someone more rememberable?
Why do I always come after the rest?
Why can't I be the best?
Why can't I be important?
Why can't I be more confident?
Why can't it be all about me for once?
Why can't I be a happier person?
Why can't I be more positive?
Why can't I be more beautiful?
Why can't I be more independent?
Why can't I be more interesting?
Why can't I have a better personality?
Why can't I be better?

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Adeyokun's picture

you can

face it, you just can't.. but you can if you choose to.

MissSaigon's picture

We've all asked this at least

We've all asked this at least more than once during our lives, including me. But, the best thing to learn out of our insecurities is to be happy with what we have and what we are, no matter how little they are. Some young people still have chances to make everything improve and eventually face our own fears and insecurities. I really liked this because it gives off that emotion of feeling stuck with not knowing what to do about our insecurities.

lovelife123's picture

Thanks, it means alot :)

Thanks, it means alot :)

"Everybody is a genuis. But if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid"
Albert Einstein

GOHIL48's picture

nice one:)

nice one:)

lovelife123's picture

Thanks :)

Thanks :)

"Everybody is a genuis. But if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid"
Albert Einstein